Tuesday, June 19, 2007


  • Running out of toilet paper is awful.

  • Shopping for/buying a new car is stressful.

  • Waking up to see Pablo everyday is nightmarish.

  • Being the cutest boy in the office gets overwhelming.

  • I don't know where I was going with this, but I forgets.


lilmammal said...

I know. Every morning I just want to start working but because I'm the cutest boy in the office, they won't leave me alone.

Salem said...

Oh, Please. Like you get up that early.

Timmy said...

indy - it's tough, ain't it?

salem - i never sleep.

Pablo said...

It's true. He never sleeps. He just waits.

And, that's odd. It's a dream come true to wake up to myself every morning. You must not be doing it right.

xdsfg said...

you work alone?

Heidi the Hick said...

You are the cutest cat in the office.

Mitzzee said...

oh noes, not you too, with the lolcats. stress.

Butchie said...

Being the cutest boy in the office gets overwhelming

Tell me about it.

Elmo said...

So, the ugly guys have it easy?

S said...

Running out of TP at work is even worse.

madamerouge said...