Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Questions / Answers

Q: Timmy, why didn't you watch the Live Earth Concerts?

A: I was busy shoveling coal into my styrofoam factory. Enjoying some roast penquin.

Q: Timmy, why didn't you watch the Democratic Debate?

A: Oops! I forgot, Al Gore came over and brought a bunch of his sons weed! Good shit man.

Q: Are you going to watch Lindsay Lohan on Jay Leno tonight?

A: Not anymore, that stupid bitch got arrested AGAIN! HAHA! ROFLMAO!

Q: What's it like living with Pablo?

A: Pablo is a dreamboat! Just ask him.


torporindy said...

I'd still do Lindsey

Timmy said...


lilmammal said...

Don't forget about the malnurished children you were busy under-employing.

Balloon Pirate said...

I just love a good roast penguin. Especially when it's stuffed with baby seal.


dantallion said...

She's SUCH a Paris wannabe.

Anonymous said...

I didn't know you lived with Pablo? If you guys get drunk, do you pump each other's guts full of cum?