Tuesday, September 11, 2007

"Can you believe this shit? Hell has frozen over. Suck it, Jesus, this award is my god now."

You go girl!


S said...

I don't know if I'd want Jesus to suck it. He seems like he wouldn't know what to do with the pointy bits.

Anonymous said...

i love her. im not religious. HA

you haven't posted in so long i didn't know who the hells blog this was coming through on my feed....

your judgemental aunt said...

i love the grif (the same cannot be said of you)

Smartypants said...

She's going to hell.

madamerouge said...

That's going on the list of things I want replayed, just before I die.


LOVE her.

Scarlet said...

She's what Sandra Bernhard was in the 80s. I like her.

Elmo said...

Y'all Chickenhawks to Me - by Elmo (MP3)

(If you have trouble with the link, right click and "save target as")

Butchie said...

I actually like her quite a bit. Shhhh.